Australian Web Servers

Where is your website hosted? A domain name that ends in can be hosted anywhere around the world, but is that necessarily a good thing? Where should a web server be located?

Why does it matter?

Every time a potential customer clicks on your website, the message ('request') gets bounced from one server to another until it reaches your hosting server. Your host then sends the data back ('response') - only this time it might be LOTS of data (like text and images, let alone video).

Every hop along the way adds to the total time it takes for your page to load, and Australian customers hate waiting for the 'lag' every time they click! Worse, they could get 'timeouts' - no page at all.

So for your website users, it makes best sense to have your web server hosted where the majority of your web visitors are located.

What about for SEO?

Well if you've read up on SEO you'll know that whatever is good for users, is good for SEO! Google especially favours websites that load quickly, and they rank higher to searchers in the country where they load quickest. Makes sense really.

Now that doesn't mean you need a web server hosting your site from every city in Australia, but where is the greatest population? The east coast. And where's the greatest population centralised on the east coast? Sydney. So that's where our web host servers are, as is best for Sydney SEO.

But I want people from all over the world to see my site!

Of course! And Australia is a perfect place for your website to be hosted. It will be visible to the world, and if the majority of your visitors are in Australia, then it shouldn't be hosted anywhere else. If, however, you are marketing mainly to the U.S. for example, then don't worry, we'll host your website on our U.S. server!

How can I find out where a web server is?

That's not as easy as you'd hope, and does require some technical expertise. Ask us and we'll find out for you. Sometimes IP to location is enough, but sometimes an IP is registered to Australia but being served from the U.S. (where data centres and bandwidth are much cheaper - and slower). So a traceroute might also be required, and the results interpreted. A ping test will usually give away an international server anyway (that's the 'lag') and a full website speed test might not only indicate the country of location but also the speed at which the server is performing!

So where are Pioneer Websites servers?

Most of our hosting is in the new NextDC - a state-of-the-art data centre in Sydney city, Australia. That's the quickest place from which to reach the majority of Australia's vast population. We also have servers in the well-established Equinix data centre in Sydney, and currently host from other locations globally so check out our web hosting plans.

What About Dedicated IP Addresses For SEO?

Yes, we can separate multiple sites onto dedicated IP addresses, and/or give your sites different C-block addresses - in fact, different A-block addresses, if you wish. Anonymous Name Servers are also available, with full reverse DNS available for your domain and dedicated IP:

  • &
  • and 
  • domain name pointer

We can also make sure your SOA record doesn't disclose your host or connect you to any other site!

See our CHEAP SEO HOSTING plans!

Just because your domain name ends in doesn't mean your site is hosted in Australia.

Find out how to see where your website is hosted. And then ask us about Australian web server hosting for speed and SEO.

Our investigative SEO audit will determine where your current website is hosted and conduct comparative speed tests for you.

Ask us why we use these world leaders for SEO hosting:

"Super Excited that I found Pioneer Hosting. I have been looking for an Australian Hosting Company that was able to a PREMIUM Hosting Service located in Australia for months. With very fast servers, my website is now perfectly optimized for SEO (which web hosting is now an important ranking factor). Since making contact, their support has been fantastic, and have helped me with every question and enquiry I had. Those $2 web hosting Companies, are simply worthless..." - Jesse, 2015